...accumulated since Easter...
...compiled over the last few weeks, as you can tell from the Easter
Flickr Photo Download: SearsWishbook.1983EC.P408
Ad for a newfangled CD player from the Sears 1983 wishbook
Tricks of the Trade: Philosopher
"How to win any argument"
For those of us who saw "Thank You For Smoking"
Career Calculus
RecipeSource: French Fry Spam Casserole
Technotheory.com - Wallet Efficiency
A recent interest of the efficiency blogosphere
Yahoo! Picks - April 18, 2006
"But the tribulations have only just begun for the marshmallow rabbit. For these brave, sugary little souls, the bunny apocalypse has arrived..."
Peeps Tortures
Asteroid » Easter turducken
"As with traditional turducken, Easter turducken starts from the inside
out. The core is formed with miniature Cadbury cream eggs"
A Cadbury egg, inside a Peep, inside a hollow chocolate bunny -- with photos!
hellokitty psychological test
If you can't trust Hello Kitty,. who can you trust, really?
Don't Click It
Experimental interface, Flash-enabled. Move the mouse around BUT DON'T CLICK. Click and you get told off, kinda.